Magento is an open source platform used for developing eCommerce solutions. Customised, extensible and easy to use, it is the fastest growing platform in the world today earning glowaing reviews from Red Hat and Blackbuntu. The reason why Magento solutions have become so popular is because of their relative compatibility with open source technology.
As the preferred standard for E Commerce solutions amongst retailers and emerging brands Dodstech offers Magento eCommerce as its preferred modus of eCommerce solutions to all those looking to kick start their brands online. Our eCommerce experts utilize their honed knowledge and understanding of the eCommerce development to design and implement the perfect eCommerce website for you.
Magento’s core advantage is its overall ease of use and yet the durability it offers to the design you have to wish implemented. Quite simply it is an inherently different design from its competitors because the development takes more sweat into it but the end panel it gives to the business end operator is an environment of extreme ease. Plus the updates and additional plug ins are not required in that heavy an amount and can be amalgamated within a more relaxed time frame. This just gives holistic salespeople to have a perfect framework for an online store.
Plus it’s open ended marketing and promotion tools give the user an added advantage of picking their favourite marketing catalogues for optimizing and betterment. All in all you get the online shelf handed to you which you then only have to worry about selling to your counterparts and clients. And the best thing about it all is that it is built to last, for a considerable amount of time.
What does Magento offer?
- Magento solutions are robust, scalable platform capable of running large sites
- MagentoeCommerce has built in marketing and promotion tools
- Easy to use
- Its online community continues to grow and build custom extensions for anyone to use